At Zaheer Khan-Sagarika Ghatge engagement, Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma kept it understated yet sharp. Over the years, not only have Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma given us couple goals with their constant support and mutual admiration for each other, but have also shown us what powerful celebrity couple fashion is all about. Both of them love carrying comfort on their sleeves and they do it in great style. If we have to decode their style quotient, it would be ‘understated yet immensely sharp’. Their numerous public appearances, be it at the airport or red carpet, are proof! Recently, at Zaheer Khan and Sagarika Ghatge’s engagement bash in Mumbai, the couple made quite an impression in monochrome outfits while walking hand-in-hand. Sharma looked lovely in a black dress with a keyhole detail and tapered bell sleeves which she paired with strappy black heels. The Phillauri actress styled it well with sleek, centre-parted hair, eyes beautifully defined by a black liner and h...
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