Vidya Balan recently walked out of Malayalam filmmaker Kamaluddin Muhammed's Kamala Das biopic Aami. However, she has once again set her eyes on the cinema down south. She is in talks with actor Dhanush who is planning to cast her opposite his father-in-law Rajinikanth in his next production.
The Indian Express reports that Dhanush is planning to make a spin-off of Pa Ranjith's gangster film from last year, Kabali. Rajinikanth played a veteran gangster in the blockbuster that shattered all box office records in Tamil Nadu. However, the next film will not be a sequel to Kabali but merely a spin-off.
NDTV reports that Balan was also considered for Kabali before the role was bagged by Radhika Apte. Now, Balan seems to be the first choice of Dhanush who will produce the film under his banner Wunderbar Films. The spin-off will be directed by Ranjith as well. However, it will start only after Rajinikanth wraps up the shooting of 2.0, the sequel to his 2010 science fiction entertainer Robot.
Kabali spin-off produced by Dhanush?
Vidya Balan recently walked out of Malayalam filmmaker Kamaluddin Muhammed's Kamala Das biopic Aami. However, she has once again set her eyes on the cinema down south. She is in talks with actor Dhanush who is planning to cast her opposite his father-in-law Rajinikanth in his next production.
Balan, on the other hand, is occupied with Srijit Mukherji's period drama Begum Jaan and Suresh Triveni's Tumhari Sullu in which she will be seen playing a radio jockey.
Balan has never shared screen space with Rajinikanth but she is a self-admitted fan. She event went to a local cinema hall to watch Kabalilast year, accompanied by her husband and filmmaker Siddharth Roy Kapur who is yet another Rajinikanth film buff.
In the past, Rajinikanth has worked opposite several Hindi film actors including Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Apte, Amy Jackson and Sridevi. As far as the male actors are concerned, he has shared the screen space with Amitabh Bachchan, Govinda, Akshay Kumar, Aamir Khan and Shah Rukh Khan.
There is no official word of confirmation on Balan being finalised by the makers as they are still in the process of figuring out her dates.
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